Mental Health & Substance Use - Outpatient Counselling
Arbutus Counselling
Eleonora is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC) in Roberts Creek, BC. She offers counselling to help you have a better relationship with your Self, heal, and move forward. Eleonora provides a safe and nurturing space so that you have the freedom to live in the present and create the future you want. My work is to help clients discover their inner healing intelligence that will guide them to make choices and create change. I am influenced by many therapeutic approaches and philosophies. However, I believe that it is the relationship between the counsellor and the client that is the most influential part of a counselling experience. more info
Melissa Kelly, Counselling with a View
Specializing in mental health services including eating disorders for preteen, youth, and adults. Melissa also offers couples counselling. more info
Renewal Counselling
Person-centred counselling for individuals and couples in Gibsons, BCmore info
Arbutus Medical Clinic, Sechelt
Cowrie Medical Clinic, Sechelt
Sechelt Medical Clinic
Gibsons Medical Clinic
Upstream Family Medicine,
Wilson Creek
Pender Harbour Health Centre
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