Social Services
Al Anon Family Group - Sunshine Coast
In Al-Anon meetings you will meet people from all walks of life who understand the frustration and loneliness that often results from living with alcoholism. Many have found solutions that lead to serenity by learning to apply the "Twelve Steps" of Al-Anon and Alateen. Any person who is troubled by another person's drinking can attend Al-Anon meetings. This is true whether the person is still drinking or not.more info
Alcoholics Anonymous
24 Hour Service. Alcoholics Anonymous is a program of a new way of life without alcohol. It is a program that is working successfully for millions of men and women throughout the world and in all walks of life. The experience of AA members is that alcoholism is a progressive illness that cannot be cured but which, like some other illnesses, can be arrested—by staying away from the first drink, one day at a time.more info
Community-based Victim Services
Provides support to survivors of relationship violence, sexual assault, criminal harassment, child abuse/assault, and other forms of family or sexualized violence. Service is confidential and supports survivors of all ages and gender identities. Includes emotional support, court orientation and accompaniment, advocacy, and liaison with lawyers, crown, or social services, and assistance with form completion. Provides information about victim rights, compensation, legal processes, police reports, case status, court results, appeals, and follow-up on corrections and parole. Can refer to crisis lines, emergency social services, legal resources, women's shelter, counselling, and community agencies.
Funding provided by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG).more info
Gibsons Family Network
Gibsons Family Network (GFN) is a non-profit charitable organization with a vision of helping people with disabilities to find meaningful, integrated employment and support within our community. GFN began as an association of families living in Gibsons, BC who have a family member or relative with a developmental disability. The group formed in 2004 and incorporated as a non-profit society in March 2006 in order to move forward to meet the need for more services on the Sunshine Coast.more info
Harvest of Hope
A once monthly box is available for registered clients of the Salvation Army. Food bank days are Wednesday and Thursday from 11-12 each week at unit 5-682 Gibsons Way.more info
IGA Madeira Park - Grocery Delivery
Meals on Wheels
Volunteers deliver nutritious meals to residents who are homebound or find it difficult to prepare meals. These can be delivered up to 3 times per week in the Sechelt / Halfmoon Bay area and up to 4 times a week in Gibsons / Roberts Creek area. There is a charge for this service and 24 hour cancellation notice is requiredmore info
Outreach Healthy Meal Program, Pender Harbour
A cooked meal delivery service open to residents of Area A. All recipes are low fat, low salt and low sugar, so are suitable for most diets. Meals are delivered by volunteers in re-useable dishes around 1 pm on Mondays and cost $10/meal. Clients can order up to 6 meals/week, some will be delivered frozen.more info
Pender Harbour Food Bank
Every second Monday at the Pentecostal Church on Lagoon Road, Madeira Park. Please leave a donation of non-perishable grocery items at the IGA, Oak Tree or John Henry’s.more info
Police Based Victim Services
Police Based Victim Services provides victims of crime and other traumas, their family members and witnesses, emotional support, practical assistance, and appropriate referrals to community resources. Our goal is to reduce further trauma associated with the victimization and to empower the victim.more info
Arbutus Medical Clinic, Sechelt
Cowrie Medical Clinic, Sechelt
Gibsons Medical Clinic
Upstream Family Medicine,
Wilson Creek
Pender Harbour Health Centre
Sunshine Coast FETCH website does not take registrations for Physician Clinic wait-lists.
Please do not create a profile, unless you are registering a Health Service for the Sunshine Coast.
Please email for further details