Health & Medical Professionals - Rehabilitation - Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists
Backstream Physiotherapy
Special Areas of Practice: Chronic Pain, Incontinence (urinary/bowel), Joint Replacement Rehabilitation, Manual Therapy, Orthopaedics (muscles/joints), Pelvic Floor, Sports Therapy Additional Qualifications: Musculoskeletal, Clinical Specialist, Cranio Sacral Therapymore info
Coast Physiotherapy Sechelt Inc
Coast Progressive Physiotherapy is now Coast Physiotherapy Sechelt!
The same friendly team you have known for years will continue to provide a wide range of physiotherapy services to meet the growing needs of the Sunshine Coast community.
The physiotherapists at Coast Physiotherapy Sechelt are a group of dedicated professionals with extensive education and experience within the scope of musculoskeletal conditions. This knowledge allows our team to provide our community with superior diagnostic skills and conservative management of a wide range of conditions.
The team at Coast Physiotherapy Sechelt will continue to strive to be your most trusted healthcare professionals for rehabilitation, pain management, and performance enhancement. more info
Goldring, Felicity (BSc PT, RPT)
Felicity Goldring, BSc Psych, BScPT, RPT has committed herself to helping people overcome pain and limited function with this effective style of massage therapy. She also offers CranioSacral Therapy to her patients, a gentle profoundly relaxing therapy that helps reduce tension in body and mind.more info
Harbour Physiotherapy
Provides physiotherapy services, including: musculoskeletal examinations, sports injury treatments, post-operative therapy. Home visits available.more info
Horat, Roman
Jeannette LeBlanc (Physiotherapist)
I have over ten years of experience in physiotherapy private practice (musculoskeletal). I use a combination of manual therapy techniques, acupuncture, dry needling (IMS), exercise prescription, taping, and education to address individual clients' injuries and needs. I treat a wide variety of problems with a focus on athletes of all fitness levels.more info
Living By Design Occupational Therapy Services
Tom Grant is an experienced Registered Occupational Therapist living and working on the Sunshine Coast. Referrals are mostly related to insurance-funded claims (e.g. ICBC, WSBC, VAC)for adult clients. Assessments administered include: rehabilitation, cognitive, functional and ergonomic assessments. Treatment services include: rehab coordination, cognitive rehab, equipment and support recommendations and provision. more info
Momentum Rehab
We offer in-home mobile physiotherapy. We go to an individuals home and do physiotherapy. Our goal is to give healthcare access to anyone that needs it- if they cannot make it into a clinic, we will find a way to help them. more info
Movement Works Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy services in Gibsons.more info
Occupational and Physio Therapy
The Occupational Therapists and the Physiotherapists are members of the Home Care Services team for clients of the Sunshine Coast community. The goal of the OT and PT is to promote and maintain a client’s functional independence in their home and in their community through a variety of services. Assistance offered includes assessment, treatment, consultation, and teaching of caregivers and family members. Environment adaptations to improve home safety and accessibility, equipment recommendation and prescription, and assessment of activities of daily living are all areas addressed by Occupational Therapy. Physiotherapy addresses the physical and mobility aspects of the clients, i.e., gait, transfers, range of motion, strength and balance. Treatment may include exercise prescription, the selection of walking aids, and fall prevention strategies.more info
Arbutus Medical Clinic, Sechelt
Cowrie Medical Clinic, Sechelt
Gibsons Medical Clinic
Upstream Family Medicine,
Wilson Creek
Pender Harbour Health Centre
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